ISSN (Online) : 2319-7722         ISSN (Print) : 2319-7714
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
Category : Volume 6 - Issue 1-Version-I


Formulation of Win-Win Strategies in Management of Employee Relations
VRS Babu Yalamarthi File Size 122 KB
Contextualising Multiculturalism in Indian Democracy: Problems and Prospects
Kavitha K K File Size 122 KB
A Study On The Relationship Between Corporate Reputation And Customer Loyalty In Hotels
Assoc. Prof.Dr. Mesut Bozkurt File Size 396 KB
Comparative Analysis of Brand Performance and Financial Gains a Case Study of Nike, Adidas and Puma
Muhammad Ali|| Noreen M. Din|| Mehwish Jamil || Palwisha Ilyas File Size 245 KB
Violence in the Family within the Arab Society in Israel and Coping with Welfare Authorities
Hreish Khalid File Size 185 KB
Food Autonomy: Use and Conservation of Edible Plants in a Marginalized Context in the State of Hidalgo (Mexico).
Tomás Serrano || Alex Manetta || Emmanuel Galindo || Tomás Hernández || Isidro Sosa File Size 285 KB
Analysis of Saturated Intersection towards Volume Capacity in the section of Road Traffic Joglo Raya of Mercubuana University Jakarta Indonesia
Prof. Said Djamaluddin|| Prof. Dr. Hapzi Ali, CMA File Size 1598 KB
Influence of Pupil-teacher Ratio on Performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in Makueni County, Kenya
Kanini Nyiwa|| Redempta Maithya || Anthony Mungai Gathumbi File Size 223 KB
El Corredor De Turismo Sostenible YSu Incidencia En El Desarrollo Turístico Del Cantón Pallatanga, Ecuador. TheSustainable Tourism Corridor and ItsImpactonTourism Developmentin Pallatanga, Ecuador
Roberto Carlos Herrera Anangonó || Javier Gonzalo Barahona Ibarra || María Lorena Cadme || Andrea Verónica Sevillano || Carla Estefanía Castillo || Erika Elizabeth Herrera Bonilla || Diana Delgado File Size 528 KB
Administración Educativa YSufundamentaciónepistemológica, Cantón Quevedo, Provincia De Los Ríos, Ecuador. Educational Administration and Its epistemological foundation, Quevedo, Province Los Ríos, Ecuador
Magali Gioconda Calero Lara|| Victoria Virmania Velasco Barahona|| Roberto Carlos Herrera Anangonó File Size 179 KB
Absurdity of language was a new form of drama for the people around 1950s in the reference of Eugene Ionesco's play "The Future is in Eggs"
Haseen ur Rehman|| Dr. Asadullah Larik File Size 339 KB
La Educación Ambiental en la Educación Superior, Ecuador. Environmental Education in Higher Education, Ecuador.
María Lorena Cadme|| Roberto Carlos HerreraAnangonó|| Raisha Lorena García|| BadieAnnerizCerezo Segovia || Mónica María Sandoval Cuji|| Luis Alejandro Saltos Velásquez || Francisca Etelvina Contreras||Luis Fernando Simba Ochoae|| Betty Beatriz González Osorio|| Judith García|| Manuel Carrillo File Size 205 KB
La Educación Ambiental en la Formación Universitaria ante el cambio climático en el cantón Quevedo, Ecuador. The Environmental Education in the University Formation before the climaticchange in Quevedo, Ecuador.
María Lorena Cadme Arévalo || Raisha Lorena García Cadme|| Roberto Carlos Herrera Anangonó|| Luis Alejandro Saltos Velásquez|| Badie Anneryz Cerezo Segovia|| Mónica María Sandoval Cuji|| Francisca Etelvina Contreras|| Teddy Elizabeth De la Cruz Valdiviezo|| Luis Fernando Simba Ochoa|| Betty Gonzàlez Osorio File Size 885 KB
Active Social Programs Development in Bulgaria: Contemporary Challenges and Social Management Instruments
Venelin Terziev|| Marin Georgiev File Size 404 KB
भारतीय राष्ट्यीबाद के नवीन सूत्र
मेजर राज कमल दीक्षित File Size 214 KB
स्वातन्त्र्योत्तर हिन्दी साहित्य में व्यंग्य की प्रधानता का प्रमुख कारण
डॉ महेश चन्द्र चौधरी File Size 165 KB
विश्व में वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण का उदय
डॉ रंजीता जाना File Size 104 KB
Traditional Marriage System amongst the Vaiphei Tribe
Pauchungnung Vaiphei File Size 354 KB
Extension and National Development: Pathways to Progress
Mathura Prasad Gautam File Size 162 KB
IJHSSI Citation Report New
  All Since 2012
 Citation  185 180
 h-index 11 10
 i10-index 3 3

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About Us : International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention is an international journal intended for professionals and researchers...
Call for paper : Authors are invited to submit manuscript reporting original research and review in this field. submitted manuscript must be in technical english...
Online submission : The Journal publishes original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Review Articles....
Journal Indexing: Our journal has recently joined International Database for Indexing with DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Open J Gate, CAS, Google Scholar, WAME...